As coaches we listen to our clients and discover many things that are either a hindrance or a help to their success. A major component in each case is the “Mindset” of the client. How are they looking at their performance, their business or even their life? Often, this will determine whether a person thrives, hunkers down hoping for better times or completely fails.
Recently, I heard Phil Lechter, CEO of the Global Bank Academy, train on this subject. He gave the following formula:
Mindset + Action = Results
This was followed by an illustration to show what determines our mindset:
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This got me thinking. When we are operating above the line we become victors. However, when we are below the line we act as and become victims.
Can we always operate above the line? NO. There will be times when stuff happens and we’ll make excuses or we’ll choose to blame someone or something – did you ever blame the dog for eating your homework? And, maybe we’ll be in denial – you know, the head in the sand because we don’t want to believe we made that mistake.
In talking with a client he asked “so what can I do when I’m below the line?” Great question! My advice to him was to see a giant yellow caution light flashing in front of his eyes. This caution light is a trigger to go WHOA. Next was to say to himself, “The thoughts I’m thinking are not helpful, I chose to be a victor, not a victim.” Rethinking the thought and putting it into a positive question will allow him to discover how he can be above the line.
This reminds me of an old story about how we live are lives. A wise old Indian was talking with his grandson. He said “In each of us resides two wolves, one mean and evil and the other good and kind; and these two wolves are constantly at war with each other.” The grandson asked “Which one wins?” The wise old chief replied “THE ONE WE FEED.”
The illustration of what determines our mindset operates in the same manner. In each situation we must ask ourselves are we operating above or below the line. The choice is ours to make.
To schedule a no obligation 30 minute Complimentary Session with one of Our Coaches to see if you are above or below the line Contact Us