Breaking the Chains of Bad Habits

Breaking the Chains of Bad Habits

Most of us feel uncomfortable when we hear the word ‘slave’.  In a culture where our independence and freedom is magnified, the word slavery feels outdated and irrelevant.

However, what often goes unrecognized and unaddressed is this one fact:  each one of us is a slave to our own habits.  You see there is no greater factor to your success than the habits you have.

Bad habits keep you a slave to poor conditions and bad circumstances.  On the other hand, good habits keep you a slave to positive results and a compounding effect of good circumstances.

Unfortunately, it is extremely easy to adopt unhealthy and destructive habits.

The only way to overcome a bad habit is to replace it with a good one.

According to many experts, it takes an average of 21 days to establish a new habit.

Because of this, it takes great effort and determination to cultivate stable and productive habits.

In another person’s words, “Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex.”

Repetition requires the follow through of the action, even in moments of fatigue, laziness, and demotivation, and if it is applied, habits begin to develop.

Imagine how your life would change if you established healthy habits that became automatic in your daily living?

What are some bad habits you have? Do you bite your nails? Do you smoke? Do you hit snooze every morning? Do you procrastinate?

Writing down your vision is crucial to your success. An easy way is with this simple form that will help you track your daily progress.

With this checklist, you clearly identify your desired goals and you track your success or failure each day for a month.

The goal is to make it all the way to the end of the month without missing a day.

A bad habit is never going to just disappear. Consider taking time to identify both your good and bad habits.

Begin charting them and holding yourself accountable.

Remember, your habits shape your actions, responses, and future success, and you no longer need to let them run your life.

You will always be controlled by your habits; it’s up to you to determine what they are.

If you’d like access to this form, send me an email at and I will be happy to send it to you. Be sure to put “Habit” in the subject line.

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If you would like to discuss further the best way to replace your bad habits with good ones, Contact Us today Schedule a 30 Minute Complimentary Session with Me or one of Our Coaches today!

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