“Hey Coach, this time blocking that you have me doing where do I put in my evening television? I can’t miss …!”

Have you ever heard someone say they can’t miss or they gotta get home to watch their favorite program? Have you said that?

My mentor, Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine, sent a very challenging text that addresses this:

Two Key points:

  1. The 5% who constitute the top earners spend their spare time on EDUCATION.
  2. The other 95% spend their spare time on ENTERTAINMENT.

The question and challenge for each of us is where are we spending our spare time?

We each have the same 24 hours, typically divided into 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work and 8 hours of (you name it).  The average person is devoting their free time to entertainment (and even some of their work time as well) – you know Facebook, Twitter, fantasy football, office gossip, television, etc.

Does this mean eliminate everything that’s fun?  NO.  However if you ask yourself where did the day go, perhaps you’re stuck in the trap of being mired in the unimportant; those activities that are not moving you ahead in your business or job.

It’s time to put a governor on your activities.  By that I mean, track what you are doing from the time you get up in the morning until your head hits the pillow at night. Do this for a week.  You might be shocked by what you learn.

As coaches, we assist our clients to set up THEIR Time Blocking Schedule Example; a template that lays out the structure to keep the focus on high payoff activities that generates the greatest ROI.  If you would like a copy of this so you can learn how to become the most efficient and productive performer, email me at Tim@smartsalessolutions.com or call our office toll free 877-735-7678 today.  We’ll send it right out and schedule your no obligation Complimentary Session with one of Our Coaches.


Time is your most precious commodity.  Don’t delay get on your day and time immediately.  You can never get today back.  Talk with you soon!