It’s About Lead Conversion Not Lead Generation by Rich Rudnick

It’s About Lead Conversion Not Lead Generation by Rich Rudnick

Too often I see sales professionals making the same mistake over and over and increasing their overhead at the same time.  To make matters worse, they most often have no way of measuring their ROI while their expenses continue to climb.

This chronic curse and poisonous well that too many draw from is over spending in lead generation products.  I am not saying all lead generation products and services are bad or unnecessary.  But for a vast majority- it is perceived as an easy way to grow business and eliminate the dreaded discipline of daily prospecting.  Let’s face it- the more incoming leads you have to work with could mean an increase in business.

The real issue is lead conversion.  What happens once you are in front of your lead is more important than getting a lead in front of you.  The bottom line is leads are all around you- waiting for you to intentionally reach out to them with a valid reason for your call.  The best news is – these leads cost you nothing.

Once in front of them, you need to effectively:

  • Build Instant Rapport in 10 seconds or less
  • Prequalify hard to sell easy
  • Deliver a 6 step Dynamic presentation that leads to the ultimate conclusion (Yes!)
  • Master any objections you may encounter
  • Close the sale

This is your sales process.  Having a bullet proof sales process you take your prospect through once you are in front of them dramatically increases your conversion ratios.  If your process is not in place – contact us today so you can learn more about how we can get your ratios up immediately.

Core Selling Skills Overview Video

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