“Why should your prospect choose you?” by Rich Rudnick

“Why should your prospect choose you?” by Rich Rudnick

What an excellent question. You should have a solid answer to this before you go out and sell.   After all, it is reasonable to assume that at some point in the sales process your prospect will ask you this question.  What separates you from your competitors or why should your prospect choose you?  Are you confident and ready for a response or would you come up with a random cliché salesman reply?  Have you appropriately:  informed, educated, inspired, compared, persuaded and motivated them to choose you without reservation? 

Before scheduling your next presentation, make sure there’s no question in your prospect’s mind that you are the best option for them.  Keep in mind there is no one that can deliver what you can- because there is only one “You”! You need to craft your feature/benefit statement that eliminates your competitors without mentioning them; and include it at the right time in your 6 Step Dynamic Presentation.  Follow these simple steps to identify your feature-benefits: 

1-      List your strengths/qualities.  Write down at least 15 adjectives that describe your best attributes.  You might have someone who knows you and your product/services well help you with this list.  Then choose your top 4 and rank them in order. 

2-      Clarify your values and purpose.  All “Great” companies have core values and purpose which drives their decisions.  Take time to write down your core values and purpose.  We help all our one-on-one coaching clients to craft theirs.

3-      Choose four to six features.  Pull your features from your strength/qualities list and values-purpose statement.  You should choose clear differentiators or features that are unique to you and your company. 

4-      Craft a benefit statement for each feature. The benefit statement answers the internal question your prospect is asking themselves: “What’s in it for me?”  Here are two excellent examples:

What Sets Us Apart

Savy Agency

Leverage your feature/benefit statement in your presentation just prior to your proposal- so that you eliminate your competition prior to discussing your rate and terms.  Dedicate a page on your website and include in your marketing brochures.  If you want help gathering your thoughts and crafting your statement complete The 6 Cores of You and Contact Us and ask one of Our Coaches to spend 30 minutes complimentary with you to finish and roll it out.

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